Author Archives: Haley Read

  1. Eastey Automatic Case Erectors Offer An Efficient & Cost Effective Alternative to Manual Case Forming & Taping

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    An automatic case erector does exactly what its name says – it automatically forms, folds, and bottom seals corrugated cases in one pass from flat blanks.
    The direct benefits explained below are what make investing into an automatic case erector an ideal alternative to manual case forming and taping:

    • Reduces Direct Labor
    • Free Up Floor Space By Packing Stations
    • Obtain a Better Case Seal
    • Additional Benefits (Employee Workforce)


    Eastey Case Erector Benefits:

  2. How to Choose the Correct Case Sealer for Your Packaging Needs

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    Adding or upgrading a case sealer on your packaging line can be confusing because there are many case sealer models to choose from. For a case sealer to be an efficient and cost-effective purchase for your production line, it is important that you identify the correct case sealer for your specific need.

    Here are some important considerations to you get started in narrowing down your search for the right case sealer:


  3. Continuous Small Character Inkjet Printers (CIJ): How Much Does a Specific Make & Model Really Cost You?

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    Total Cost of Qwnership for a CIJ Printer

    Total cost of ownership, or TCO, calculates both visible and non-visible or “hidden” costs before purchasing a CIJ ink jet printer. TCO is like an iceberg; the total cost of using the printer is not evident at the time of purchase, because you only see the portion of it which is above the surface. The top of the iceberg represents visible costs, such as the initial purchase price and the cost of a supply item. Significant hidden costs (often 2 -3 times the purchase price of the printer over time) are below the surface and represents more than the actual printer cost. You cannot see them without doing TCO “due diligence” before you buyThey identify the real cost of a printer during its lifetime and the real cost of operating it annually and over its lifetime.

    An attractive CIJ printer price or deal up front, can turn into an unacceptable cost of purchase over time. Calculating what the TCO of a continuous ink jet printer (CIJ) will be annually and over its 7-year average life span can result in the purchase of a different model, because the original one can’t be cost justifiedManagement who is asked to approve a purchase would not have approved it if they knew in advance of its high operating costs, when there was another good printer with a low/modest TCO.  It’s really important and of significant value to calculate and uncover that total cost of ownership and how it impacts its cost of operation over its lifetime.

    TCO’s are not difficult to calculate once you obtained the right information. It will only take 30 minutes when you know the answers to these important questions of hidden costs. Using TCO as your cost metric, instead of the initial purchase price, can result in enormous saving and cost avoidance for your corporation. If you need to purchase several printers up front or over time, it can result in saving your company literally thousands of dollars of avoidable operating costs.

    TCO hidden costs over time include scheduled module replacement (major cost), printhead replacement (major cost), the solvent/make-up usage per operating hour (major cost) not just the cost per ml,  line downtime for any reason, and unnecessary service agreements, which all add up to significant cost over time. Suddenly, the CIJ printer you thought was a bargain or the one you planned to purchase isn’t the bargain or value you thought it was. TCO evaluations let you make informed, non-emotional decisions because those decisions are based upon facts, not speculations or loose verbal cost estimates given to you about a specific printer.

    Continuous Ink Jet printer TCO hidden costs are explained in detail in a white paper below.  Find out the key questions you should ask every supplier before you purchase a continuous inkjet printer. Take those answers and calculate the total cost of ownership, annually, and over a 7-year period, when making a CIJ printer purchase decision. You will be quite surprised at how substantial those hidden costs amount to, and how they will influence your decision!

    Provide top management with your quotes and TCO analysis for them to evaluate for purchase approval.

    Download White Paper

  4. Better Packages Gummed Taper Troubleshooting Tips

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    Troubleshooting Tips

    Troubleshooting Tips

    The following are simple troubleshooting tips to consider if there is a problem with your machine. A more complete discussion of troubleshooting techniques is contained in the operating manual for each machine. If you can’t resolve the problem with your machine with these tips or techniques in your manual, please Contact Us.

  5. Preventative Maintenance for Water Activated Gummed Tape Machines

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    How to Maintain Your Gummed Tape Machine

    Better Packages and Marsh tape dispensers and systems require minimal preventive maintenance and care.  If you give your machine a little special attention, it will run for years at optimal levels. Performing these few simple maintenance tasks can help you sustain high levels of productivity, save money on repairs, and help increase the life expectancy of your dispenser.

    Weekly Preventative Maintenance: 

    • Turn off and unplug your taper from the electrical outlet.
    • Remove water brushes, wash with mild soap, soak over weekend; rinse well and reinstall.
    • Clean inside of taper any accumulated tape dust with a shop vac or dry brush.
    • Remove water tank and wash with mild soap; rinse well and reinstall.
    • You can watch this video to see how to wash your brushes so you can remove the glue that tends to accumulate and reduce tape moistening effectiveness: Watch the Video: How to Clean the Water Brushes

    Monthly Preventative Maintenance: 

    • Turn off and unplug your taper from the electrical outlet. 
    • Clean accumulated glue from blades using a scraper. Do not scrape the cutting edge because the blade may become nicked or dull and need replacement. Caution: The blade is sharp and can cut easily, so be careful working around it. 
    • Apply light coating of light machine oil to back of blade.
    • On Better Packages 555 and 555e series tapers add a few drops of light machine oil to felt pads. Be sure oil does not drip on the motor or other parts below the blade.

    Annual Preventative Maintenance: 

    • Turn off and unplug your taper from the electrical outlet. 
    • Thoroughly clean all accumulated pieces of tape, tape dust and any other foreign material from inside of machine with dry brush or shop vac.
    • Clean bottom of heaters and pressure plates of accumulated glue.
    • Oil upper and lower blades lightly with light machine oil.
    • Clean all covers with a damp rag.
    • Perform the monthly preventative Maintenance procedure.
    • You can watch this video to learn how to clean the outside of your machine and the water bottle: Watch the Video: Keeping the Dispenser Clean
    Annual Preventative Maintenance

    WARNING! Never spray cleaning fluid or lubricant into the machine. Never clean or work on an electric or electronic dispenser with the power turned on. Always turn the power off and unplug the machine before servicing.

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