Thermal Transfer Label Rolls

We have a comprehensive selection of Thermal Transfer Labels (on rolls) and thermal transfer ribbons for Zebra, Sato, Tharo, Datamax, Intermec, and other printers.

Thermal transfer labels are mostly used within the transport and logistics industry, but are also used for consumer durable labeling. Thermal transfer labels require a thermal transfer ribbon to print, but they offer a longer shelf life than direct thermal labels.

Most of our thermal transfer labels are used for shipping labels, for inventory tracking and control, and for product identification and package identification. Our color thermal transfer can be used for warehousing and lot separation. However, The markets and applications for thermal transfer are constantly expanding and are not restricted to what is mentioned above.

Customers can now order our thermal transfer labels by emailing our customer service department. Click here to send us an email.

Thermal Transfer Label Rolls

W (in) x L (in)Item NumberAcrossLPRRolls / CaseLPCCase Weight
1.5 x 1T0P150100P1P38G15500147700026#
1.5 x 1T0P150100P2P38G21100066600026#
2 x 1T0P200100P1P38F1550084400022#
2 x 1T0P200100N1N38FNo Perf1550084400022#
2 x 1T0P200100P2P38F21100044400022#
2 x 1.5T0P200150P1S38F1350082800021#
2 x 1.5T0P200150P2S38F2700042800022#
2 x 2T0P200200P1P38F1300082400023#
2x 2T0P200200P2P38F2600042400023#
3 x 1T0P300100P1P38G1550084400035#
3 x 1T0P300100N1N38GNo Perf1550084400035#
3 x 2T0P300200P1P38G1300082400035#
3 x 2T0P300200N1N38GNo Perf1300082400035#
3 x 3T0P300300P1P38G1200081600036#
3 x 5T0P300500P1P38G112008960036#
3 x 5T0P300500N1N38GNo Perf112008960036#
3.5 x 1T0P350100P1P38F1550042200020#
3.5 x 8T0P350800P1P38F17504300020#
4 x 1T0P400100P1P38F1550042200022#
4 x 1.5T0P400150P1P38F1350041400024#
4 x 2T0P400200P1P38F1300041200024#
4 x 2T0P400200N1N38FNo Perf1300041200024#
4 x 2.5T0P400250P1P38F124004960024#
4 x 3T0P400300P1P38F120004800024#
T0P400300N1N38FNo Perf120004800024#
4 x 4T0P400400P1P38F115004600024#
4 x 4T0P400400N1N38FNo Perf115004600024#
4 x 5T0P400500P1P38F112004480024#
4x 6T0P4X6NATP1P38F110004400024#
4x 6T0P4X6NATN1N38FNo Perf110004400024#
4 x 6T0P400600P1P14F125016400024#
4 x 6T0P400600P1P38F110004400024#
4 x 6T0P400600N1N38FNo Perf110004400024#
4 x 6T0P400600N1S32J125002500029#
4 x 6T0P400600P1I38F110004400024#
4 x 6T0R400600P1P38F110004400024#
4 x 6.5T0P400650P1P38F110004400026#
4 x 6.5T0P400650N1N38FNo Perf110004400026#
4 x 8T0P400800P1P38F17504300023#
4 x 8T0P400800N1N38FNo Perf17504300023#
4x 10T0P401000P1X38F17004280029#
4 x 12T0P401200P1P38F15004200023#
4 x 13T0P401300P1P38F15004200025#
5 x 3T0P500300P1P38G120004800030#
6 x 4T0P600400P1P38G115004600035#

Fanfold Labels

W (in) x L (in)Item NumberAcrossLabels / StackStacks / CaseLPCCase Weight
4 x 2 fanfoldT0P400200F1G00B1600021200023#
4 x 3 fanfoldT0P400300F1G00B140002800023#
4 x 4 fanfoldT0P400400F1F00S120002400023#
4 x 6 fanfoldT0P400600F1G00B120002400023#
4 x 6 fanfoldT0P4X6NATF1F00B120002400023#
4 x 6.5 fanfoldT0P400650F1F00S120002400025#
6 x 4 fanfoldT0P600400F1F00A130001300017#
4 x 8 fanfoldT0P400800F1F00X110002200015#

PMS Floodcoated Color Label Rolls

W (in) x L (in)Item NumberPMS ColorAcrossLPRRolls / CaseLPCCase Weight
4 x 3 Pantone YellowCYP400300P1P38FN/A120004800024#
4 x 3 BlueCBP400300P1P38F290120004800024#
4 x 6 Pantone YellowCYP400600P1P38FN/A110004400024#
4 x 6 Light YellowCLP400600P1P38F100110004400024#
4 x 6 BlueCBP400600P1P38F290110004400024#
4 x 6 GreenCGP400600P1P38F345110004400024#
4 x 6 PinkCPP400600P1P38F1767110004400024#
4 x 6 OrangeCOP400600P1P38F1495110004400024#
4 x 6 PurpleCUP400600P1P38F2635110004400024#
4 x 6 TanCTP400600P1P38F726110004400024#
4 x 6 RedCRP400600P1P38F185110004400024#

PMS Floodcoated Color Labels (Fanfold)

W (in) x L (in)Item NumberPMS ColorLabels / StackStacks / CaseLPCCase Weight
4 x6 BlueCBP400600F1F00B29020002400021#
4 x6 GreenCGP400600F1F00B34520002400021#
4 x 6 OrangeCOP400600F1F00B149520002400021#
4 x6 PinkCPP400600F1F00B176720002400021#
4 x 6 Pantone YellowCYP400600F1F00BN/A20002400021#

Fluorescent Labels (Floodcoated Rolls)

W (in) x L (in)Item NumberPMS ColorAcrossLPRRolls / CaseLPCCase Weight
4 x 3 GreenFGP400300P1P38F802120004800024#
4 x 3 OrangeFOP400300P1P38F804120004800024#
4 x 3 PinkFPP400300P1P38F806120004800024#
4 x 6 BlueFBP400600P1P38F801110004400024#
4 x 6 GreenFGP400600P1P38F802110004400024#
4 x 6 OrangeFOP400600P1P38F804110004400024#
4 x 6 OrangeFRP400600P1P38F805110004400024#
4 x 6 PinkFPP400600P1P38F806110004400024#