Eastey Automatic Case Erectors Offer An Efficient & Cost Effective Alternative to Manual Case Forming & Taping

An automatic case erector does exactly what its name says – it automatically forms, folds, and bottom seals corrugated cases in one pass from flat blanks.
The direct benefits explained below are what make investing into an automatic case erector an ideal alternative to manual case forming and taping:

  • Reduces Direct Labor
  • Free Up Floor Space By Packing Stations
  • Obtain a Better Case Seal
  • Additional Benefits (Employee Workforce)


Eastey Case Erector Benefits:

Reduces Direct Labor

An automatic case erector can speed up production rates associated with manual case forming and taping, while allowing you to repurpose your labor force to complete other tasks. Eastey automatic case erectors do not require an operator to form and seal cases. There are many unexpected production increases and often you find yourself short of employees available to work on the production floor. By automatically erecting and bottom sealing cases for your packing station, you can move 1-2 employees per shift who were previously hand erecting and sealing cases to perform other duties. Check out the cost savings below!

Free Up Floor Space By Packing Stations

Directly address the challenge of balancing your need to be pack-ready with the cost and space demands of staging pre-erected boxes. Automatic case erectors give you the ability to “scale on demand”. No “under” or “over” quantities to worry about. Optional conveyors are available to move your bottom sealed cases directly to your packing stations, freeing up floor space.

Obtain A Better Case Seal

Automatically erecting cases will guarantee they are erected consistently “in square”, which allows for a consistently tight and straight bottom seal. Square cases pack, stack and palletize better when they’re erected with 90-degree corners.

Need to adjust box sizes? Easy-to-use hand tighten knobs and cranks allows operators the flexibility for making adjustments on the fly. Case changeover for the Eastey ERX-15 can be completed in minutes for a wide range of case sizes.

Additional Benefits (Employee Workforce)

In need of a dedicated, reliable, and consistent performer that’s always available for the job? The Eastey ERX-15 Case Erector is on time to work and is always there, to ease the stress experienced from employee turnover. An automatic case erector never needs a raise or fringe benefits!

Eastey Case Erector Payback Is Fast! (Less Than 12 Months!)

Let’s take a look at the annual cost of just one employee, who works an 8-hour shift, 5 days a week, (40 hours).

  • At an average wage rate of $15 per hour, the employee’s salary and wages will cost an employer $31,200 annually.
  • In December 2020,  the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that employer costs for benefits cost of an employee, average 32% of total compensation costs.
  • Taking that annual wage cost of $31,200, you can determine the annual benefits/statutory taxes, at an average of just 30%, which is $9,360. The total annual compensation cost for an employee calculates to $40,560, which is $3,380 per month.

If this annual cost of $40,560 per employee is instead invested in an Eastey automatic case erector, you will obtain “revenue neutral cash flow” for the entire 12 months, and then realize $40,560 in reduced direct labor costs every year to erect and seal cases manually. And that’s for just one employee. If you manually erect and seal cases on two shifts, the payback only takes 6 months!

Short on capital funds to purchase an Eastey case erector? Not a problem! We offer lease-purchase agreements for Eastey case erectors with a $1.00 buyout at the end of the lease. A 24-month lease purchase averages $1,877/month, while a 36-month  lease purchase averages $1,308/month (figures are subject to acceptance by our leasing company). In both cases, you immediately reduce your direct labor costs by $1,503/month or $,2072/month,  all the while making your monthly lease payment!

Call us today, tell us your needs, free up direct labor, and reduce your annual operating costs.


Eastey Case Erector Operation Overview:

Eastey Case Erector Operation
The Eastey ERX-15 Automatic Case Erector enables a single operator to form, seal, and pack corrugated cases.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
Operation is simple. Load the large capacity blank magazine hopper that holds up to 200 RSC cases. Cases can be replenished while the machine is operating.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
Set operation to run or jog mode. Separators release only the leading case in preparation to transition from flat to open.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
A series of eight double vacuum suction cups open the leading panels of the RSC to a precise square position and hold the case securely.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
A set of flap folding bars fold the bottom minor flaps.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
The bottom major flaps are folded to lock the case in the square or rectangle position.
Eastey Case Erector Operation
A pusher bar guides the case toward industrial strength side belts and the proven reliable EX tape head ensures a quality center bottom seal.
We also have optional conveyors available to transport cases to packing stations. Contact us for more information!

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